Fabian Pokorny
A microwave dressed Rydberg ion
PhD thesis Stockholm University (2020).
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Chi Zhang
Fast and Scalable Entangling Gate in Trapped Ions via Rydberg Interaction
PhD thesis Stockholm University (2020).
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Gerard Higgins
A Single Trapped Rydberg Ion
PhD thesis Stockholm University and University of Innsbruck (2018) as cotutelle.
Selected for the Springer thesis award as outstanding PhD thesis from around the world and across the physical sciences.
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Licentiate theses
Robin Thomm
Towards quantum simulation and computing with trapped Rydberg ions
Licentiate thesis Stockholm University (2024).
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Marion Mallweger
Phonon distribution measurements on a trapped ion using the Autler-Townes effect
Licentiate thesis Stockholm University (2023).
Shalina Salim
Towards a high fidelity Rydberg interaction gate
Licentiate thesis Stockholm University (2022).
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Harry Parke
Applications of motional control in trapped Rydberg ion experiments
Licentiate thesis Stockholm University (2022).
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Fabian Pokorny
Microwave dressing of a trapped strontium Rydberg ion
Licentiate thesis Stockholm University (2019).
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