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Open positions


General information for applicants

If you are interested in joining our group as a Bachelor student, Master student, PhD student or postdoctoral researcher, please do not hesitate to apply. We offer to work in an international team of researchers in the thriving field of quantum computing, quantum simulation and quantum sensing with trapped ions.


PhD and postdoc positions

For external PhD or postdoc applications, please check the open positions website of the Physics department, or send an e-mail (including your curriculum vitae and a short statement of research interest in our group) to Markus Hennrich <>.

PhD applicants should have completed a Master thesis in physics, preferably in topics related to our research, like experimental quantum optics, atomic physics, or quantum technologies. Postdoc applicants should have a PhD in physics, strong scientific background related to our research and good leadership skills.


BSc and MSc projects

Do you want to experiments with a quantum computer?
...program interfaces between quantum and classical computers? with lasers, vacuum or single atoms?
...observe quantum mechanics in the lab?

There are several possible projects for a Bachelor or Master project in our group. The thesis work can range from programming and controlling a trapped ion quantum computer to special control electronics, to fundamental quantum aspects of these experiments. If you are interested and want to know more about possible options, please contact Markus Hennrich (, room A3:1021 at Albanova).

Some ideas for possible Master projects

  • Ion trap design and setup (for students who like to build the bits and pieces of an experiment). Design and set up of an ion trap for quantum information experiments. Build a vacuum chamber with the ion trap inside, set up the optics for ion trapping, and get everything to run.
  • Loading, initialization and quantum control of multi-qubit ion strings. Each ion in a larger ion crystal can serve as a quantum bit of a quantum computer. Before starting a quantum calculation, ions first need to be loaded as a isotope-pure crystal, cooled by laser light close to the motional ground state and initialized in a well-defined electronic state. Quantum calculations then consist of sequences of addressed and coherent laser pulses. The goal of this Master project is the realization of loading, initialization and quantum control of multi-qubit ion strings.
  • Programming and characterization of a pulse sequencing device (for students interested in programming and electronics). Programming of a pulse sequencer electronics for generating precisely timed laser pulses. The electronics will generate phase-controlled and amplitude-shaped radiofrequency pulses with arbitrary waveform. These RF pulses are used to control laser pulses and are then sent to the ions for qubit manipulation. Such control systems are the heart of our trapped ion quantum simulators.

Some ideas for possible Bachelor projects

  • Characterization of UV optical fibres. We are using self-made optical fibres for our UV lasers for Rydberg excitation. The goal of this Bachelor project is to characterize new UV fibres in terms of losses, coupling efficiency and stability.
  • Laser intensity stabilisation. Trapped ions are manipulated by laser pulses. Intensity fluctuations of these lasers lead to imprecise state manipulation of the ions. The objective of this Bachelor project is to set up an intensity stabilisation for our qubit laser to make the qubit manipulation more precise.